Chris G’s Best Yelp Reviews: Coca-Cola Store Las Vegas 3/5 Stars

Coca-Cola Store Las Vegas
$$ Hobby Shops
3785 S Las Vegas Blvd
Las Vegas, NV 89109

Globalization sucks but exploring the tastes of 16 drinks from around the world was one of the more adventurous/less conventional things to do on the Vegas strip. This review will be based on the flavors of 16 drinks, all owned by subsidiaries of Coca-Cola. The cost of two trays of 16 drinks is $7. Flavors seem to change weekly. They’re not all soda.


  1. Bypass the paraphernalia. The stand is on the second floor. Go upstairs.

  2. Seating is not guaranteed. Since it’s Coca-Cola, breeder families flock to the bottle like flies to sugar. They occupied the front three tables near the stand. The parents looked more bored than their 7 kids, all of whom were playing with toy cars and plastic Disney characters on the tables. None of the toys were from the Coca-Cola store.

  3. You are given two red trays stacked one on top of the other. Don’t worry. Unless you are super clumsy or somebody pushes you, you will not spill the stacked trays.

  4. Sitting on the floor is an option. We sat on the floor with four trays (two trays each) of drinks because there was absolutely nowhere else to sit in the area. Although I didn’t mind sitting on the floor, it may be highly problematic if the sitter is old or disabled. We were one of three groups sitting on the floor.

The flavors:

We were given two pieces of paper that indexed each of the drinks we were trying. We took a pen out and wrote some notes about the flavor of each drink. I recommend taking a pen out and making notes about the flavors of things you’re trying. It makes you think about and remember what you’re trying. The following list highlights the drinks from the notes I wrote.

Tray one:

  1. Inca Cola (Peru) – Sweet, good
  2. Sunfill Mint (India) – Tastes like Scope mouthwash
  3. Stoney Ginger Beer (South America) – Reminds me of ginger candy
  4. Aquarius Citrus (Taiwan) – Not fizzy, like a watery orange juice
  5. Delaware Punch (Honduras) – Rich berry flavor, tastes like cough medicine
  6. Vegitabeta (Japan) – Powdery flavor, like it was pre-mixed
  7. Smart Watermelon (China) – Light taste, subtle flavor, good
  8. Kinley Lemon (England) – Way too tangy, too much lemon/lime

Tray two:

  1. Lift Apple (Mexico) – Reminds me of apple cider, prefer apple cider though
  2. Fanta Kolita (Costa Rica) – Overwhelming and conflicting flavor, way too sweet
  3. Krest Gingerale (Mozambique) – Blah! Yuck! Not a big fan of gingerale
  4. Bibo Kiwi Mango (South Africa) – Not sparkling, a little too sweet
  5. Bibo Pine Nut (South Africa) – Very sweet, not a fan of pineapple
  6. Smart Apple (China) – Powerful, too much zing
  7. Beverly (Italy) – BITTER! Unsuspectingly so; aftertaste
  8. Mezzo Mix (Germany) – Tastes like Pepsi or Coke

Useful: 4 Funny: 4 Cool: 3
