Chris G’s Best Yelp Reviews: Maru Coffee – 4/5 Stars

Maru Coffee
$$ Coffee & Tea
1936 Hillhurst Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90027

Maru reminds me of the lovechild of Go Get Em Tiger and MUJI with no patio.

Its less-than an ample amount of seating is not overflowing with people. It’s got a rock wall outside that is usually sat upon by as many people with strollers and dog

s as people who sit inside. I tried sitting here once and it’s not very comfortable. It still reminds me of Gelato Bar that was here years ago. But someone painted this place in such a glowing way with their description of this place having such clean Japanese parallel lines of wood shelves and lights, that I appreciate looking at it now. Everything looks like a series of non-colliding equals signs.

Original: 3.5/5
Maru-ified: 3.5 || 5

Honestly, I decided to walk five minutes and sneak into H Cafe and work there because zen only flows along its walls and ceilings at Maru. I felt like an oversized buddha statue. Their cold brew to-go cup looks exactly like H Cafe’s cold brew cup but with a different colored straw.

Their cold brew is really good, better than H Cafe’s cold brew nitro. Wish you had a patio.

Useful:Funny:Cool: 7
