Questions to an Answerless Spector

Questions to a(n Answerless) Specter: Collage Poems

Questions to an Answerless Specter is a book of three & ½ collage poems by Chris/toph Girard with a journey that begins and ends in LA.

Self-published book of collage poems Questions to an Answerless Specter is a three and ½ poem book that I wrote for good old fashioned physical distribution. The journey begins at Stories Books and Cafe in Echo Park and ends at a live reading at some guy’s house in West Hollywood. Composer and conceptual artist Mark So has incorporated my reading of the poems into a cassette recording while giving me a blow job at his studio in the Royal Lake Apartments in Pico Union.

Here is a downloadable and foldable book in printable PDF form.

Or here is the page and a half in its entirety:

?’s to an Answerless Specter

Extinction is our reverse engineering


Soon followed by
and realized she
outside the fertile house
smiled, and have his hands answered
hearing the entire door
front mumbled abby
replied over and about
looking smiled again

Her parents
stuttering, seeing her john
house is sighed
breathing mouth grinned
thinking of the abbey john
his hands had given him

Tell her husband!
Tell her husband
trying to be very good alive
said son is a jake
promise me, very much

Observe john
pulled the same thing over
and again upon hearing of the warm
coat john
his hands stopped talking about

Chain trouble so fountainhead
replied the prayer
standing erect
tail at the end of our stick
plain over, drawn across
sprightly high

and gnocchi, weewee
struck the coat
john jane
squelching at water

Argon Flash

whistle, go off, raise a ghost
item abstain from common height
coupled with innards

Abate and abide
plaque sky
placate however flood
the creator
slip ship,
with scrimshaw
up the itch knee
this-that readying
mimicking volition

Animal baby, cells of crisis
solo decorate be
cause to hit
great water with ensemble
from the bottom of the feet
to the top of the head
a derelict


This rain has nothing to do
with sustainability, it is about rain

No more rhyme nor euphony
to eliminate the numeric distinction
of generic-specific relations
reflections is not the plural of reflection
in-between the pathos of nature
sundry of pains, joy

Upheld by youth, a great king
of being to the subhuman
no mesmeric outcome for a shift-shaft
tract becomes deliberate act, other

The height of distance
induces no distance
versatile earnest
forced upon the
withdrawal of plenty
periphery, jeering however as pleasurable
reckoning, a
wide nut
among them
to induce stature

Happiness is unknown
un-indiscretion with innards
cavity bordered, botched
and coupled
with logs burning, no discord
not a moment too soon, to overturn
the lost world

0 that ends with 0
begins the   from end
to end to read the __________ the
that reiterates it’s its